Nowadays, more than ever, it is becoming more and more important to keep the body and mind calm and relaxed while we are stuck in our small apartments, unexposed to the sun light which is naturally helping us to unwind.

It's increasingly known that hobbies like gardening and nurturing plants are one of the most relaxing and exhilarated hobbies of all.
In the pandemic days, people's interest in home gardening has increased and it seems they are happy to have something to take care for, grow, keep their mind off the trouble surrounding us and help the mind relax, and therefore helps in the overall health state of the body and soul.
When so many people out there are looking to become gardeners, there are a few companies that have recently started producing Seed Starter kits - for the inexperienced and beginner gardeners among us. These kits offer you all you need to grow you own plants from seed. Whether you have experience sowing and planting on your own, or if you don't have any idea where to start or you don't have any of the materials, these kits are exactly what you need. Basically an All-In-One seed grow kit.
They contain all you need to grow- the seeds of course (most of them offer a verity of 3-5 seeds), a nature friendly biodegradable planting pots, expandable fertilized soil discs (great little invention) and a guide to instruct you how to grow your seeds. They will also include some plastic Tags to mark the name of the seeds after sowing and some of them might include other handy gardening tools.
One of the most commonly purchased kits is the Bonsai starter kit. You would think people would love to grow Herbs or vegetables they can later use, but it is actually the Bonsai culture that has began to spread across the USA and more western side of the world that swept the US newbie growers off their feet. People are getting into a whole new state of serenity by decorating their Bonsai trees, nurturing it, cutting its leaves and edges and re-shaping it in the art of Bonsai.
One Brand that is offering this cool Bonsai Starter Kit is "Natureit". When talking to the brand owners, they told us that when seeing the high demand for home growing and gardening during the pandemic peak, they decided to make their regular off line seed and gardening business more accessible for others by compiling an All-in-One kit to include all you need to grow Bonsai trees from seed. You can find their products on
Happy Growing!